Fees Management Account
- Fees Management System is a very tedious job till date and any organization need to take a lot of care while taking fees, as maintaining financial records is very important task in any institute. A proper accounting is also needed at the end of every financial year.
- Fees Software Is Ease-of-use and flexibility for Institute Staff with Role Management.
- Head Master Structure Master.
- Fees Software Manage Fine Setup Fee Relaxation.
- Session Creation Dues Management.
- Fees Software Have Provision to Maintain Previous Caution Money Entry Opening Balance Previous caution money entry Opening Balance.
- Manage Receive fund Refund fund in fees Software.
- Fees adjustment through fund.
- Send fund for adjustment and forfeit. Fees management system generate kind of Fees Receipt: Bank, Cash, Draft, Credit card, adjustable, other receivable like university etc.
- Fees software manage student installment details, Search receipt, student details (dues, receipt, fund, refund, bank list etc.).
- Miscellaneous head apply Common receipt.
- Search refundable amount Fund transfer.
- Dues search Cheque bounce.
- Forfeit refundable Ex Student details.
- Reports: Date Wise Collection, Head Wise Collection, Cash/ Bank, Student Ledger, Balance and dues/defaulter report, Bank Payment report.
- Student Fees collection receipt printing software is the most important department of a school, college or institute. This is the major source of income and major activity of any day in any education institute.